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Normative documentation on ventilation, air conditioning and heating.

 Building regulations                                                   

  1. Code of rules SP 60.13330.2016 "SNiP 41-01-2003. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning»  - this set of rules establishes design standards and applies to systems of internal heat supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning in the premises of buildings and structures.

  2. Code of rules SP 113.13330  "SNiP 21-02-99 "Parking"  - this set of rules applies to the design of buildings, structures, sites and premises intended for parking (storage) of cars, minibuses and other motor vehicles.

  3. VSN 01-89 "Departmental building codes for car maintenance enterprises"  – designed to develop projects for the construction of new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises. (lost power)

  4. Code of rules SP 56.13330.2011 "SNiP 31-03-2001. Industrial buildings»  - this set of rules must be observed at all stages of the creation and operation of industrial and laboratory buildings, workshops, storage buildings and premises.

  5. Code of rules SP 54.13330.2016 "SNiP 31-01-2003. Residential multi-apartment buildings»  - this set of rules applies  for the design and construction of newly built and reconstructed multi-apartment residential buildings.

  6. Code of rules SP 118.13330.2012 "SNiP 31-06-2009. Public buildings and structures»  - this set of rules applies to the design of new, reconstructed and overhauled public buildings.

  7. Code of rules SP 131.13330.2012 “SNiP 23-01-99. Building climatology»  - this set of rules establishes the climatic parameters that are used in the design of buildings and structures, heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems.

  8. "SNiP 2-04-05-91. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning»  - these building codes should be observed when designing heating, ventilation and air conditioning in the premises of buildings and structures.

  9. SN 512-78 "Instructions for the use of buildings and premises for electronic computers"  - the requirements of this instruction must be met when designing new and reconstructed buildings and premises for the placement of electronic computers.

  10. ONTP 01-91  "All-Union norms of technological design of road transport enterprises"    should be observed when developing technological  solutions for projects for the construction of new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures intended for organizing inter-shift storage, maintenance (TO) and current repairs (TR) of rolling stock.

  11. "SNiP 31-04-2001. Warehouse buildings»  - must be observed at all stages of the creation and operation of warehouse buildings and premises intended for the storage of substances, materials, products and raw materials.

  12. Code of Practice SP 7.13130.2013 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire safety requirements.    used in the design and installation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, smoke ventilation.

  13. "SNiP 31-05-2003. Public buildings for administrative purposes»  - contains norms and rules for a group of buildings and premises that have a number of common functional and space-planning features and are intended primarily for mental work and non-productive areas of activity.

  14. Code of rules SP 252.1325800.2016 “Buildings of preschool educational organizations. Design Rules»  - this set of rules applies to the design of newly built and reconstructed buildings of preschool educational organizations.

  15. Code of rules SP 51.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-03-2003. Noise Protection»  - this set of rules establishes the norms of permissible noise in the territories and in the premises of buildings for various purposes.

  1. SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises"  – current sanitary rules and regulations  designed to prevent adverse  exposure to the microclimate of workplaces, production  rooms for well-being, functional  condition, performance and health of a person.

  2. SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations"  - these sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations are aimed at protecting the health of children in the implementation of activities for the upbringing, training, development and rehabilitation, care and supervision in preschool organizations.

  3. SP 1009-73 "Sanitary rules for welding, surfacing, and cutting of metals"  - these rules apply to all types of welding, surfacing and thermal cutting of metals used in industry and construction.

  1. GOST 12.1.005-88 "General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area"  - the standard establishes general sanitary and hygienic requirements for microclimate indicators and the permissible content of harmful substances in the air of the working area.

  2. GOST 30494-2011 Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters»  - the standard establishes the optimal and permissible parameters of the microclimate and air quality of residential premises.

 Sanitary rules and regulations                                                       


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